arweena's very first blog

Monday, August 15, 2005

acting is hard....

so the funny thing about theatre is that you have to constantly be in a state of looking for, obtaining and preparing for job interviews…and then, just like other jobs…you may have, god, up to four or five interviews (auditions/callbacks) for the job… BUT - one of the big differences between theatre and normal jobs, is the fact that you can actually lose jobs to other people for reasons such as ‘too blonde’, ‘too tall’, ‘too fat’, ‘too thin’, ‘wrong hair’, ‘too old’, ‘too young’, ‘too ethnic’…blah blah blah as well as one of my favorites for its unapologetic ambiguousness: ‘well, they just don’t have the right feel…’

huh. how bout that?

yeah, i know. it’s pretty obvious. i had a callback for a show that i would LOVE to do and it’s been a few days and I haven’t heard anything, which could be good and could be bad and could mean absolutely nothing at never really knows…..but the waiting NEVER gets any easier....


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