arweena's very first blog

Monday, January 16, 2006

time as the enemy i don't really have enough time to be doing this so i am going to remind myself of some things to check back on:

- movie premiere went better than expected. nakedness was nowhere near as frightening as i had imagined. seeing people after a year was a little weird, but manageable. movie actually looks like a freaking movie! go figure.

- struggling a bit with new show. have not participated in something as member of ensemble in quite awhile. it's hard. it's exhausting. it takes a lot of energy and focus. it also means you have to get over your own big bad ego, which is proving harder than i expected (and which i am so embarassed to say...) whew. we come so far...and yet....

- did not get show at the Aurora. which is a mixed bag. show seemed rough around the edges... and character not well-defined, but I miss the Aurora and I hate losing. *sigh* why are we so complicated?

- i think the wogdog was glaring at me last night.

- need to get home to watch 'Country Boys', which I taped from PBS. it's amazing.

- Aerial Conditioning class today was the hardest thing I have ever done. well, no. jumping into Tomales Bay naked was REALLY hard and going on in "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Poo" with only 8 hours of rehearsal and with Broadway actors (as well as all the shit that ensued) were pretty fucking outstandingly terrifying. But I guess that's not really what I meant anyway. Today was not scary. It was brutal. I think it's the first time ever that I almost threw up (sorry Sarah!) from the amount of sit-ups/crunches/V-ups that I was forced to do. intense.

ok. must go.

this entry was like one of those late, rushed homework assignments I would try to slip past the teachers in high school, where I would say things and then not elaborate, and in red pen all along the margins I would always find, 'details!' or 'more details!', and 'interesting Arwen, but tell me WHY it was exciting' or 'elaborate here' and also 'go deeper'. *sigh* it's just because I type so damn slow. I get bored since my head races so damn fast and I just give up or can't remember what I was going to say. actually, this may seem odd to anyone who knows me as I can't tell a simple story in less than 20 minutes for all the DETAILS that I deem necessary and vital to truly understanding what I'm talking about....


At 8:26 PM, Blogger specules said...

The movie was really good. When I try to describe it to people in my stick-to-the-facts-so-as-not-to-bore-them manner, it ironically sounds really boring (thereby demonstrating the drawback of an approach opposite of yours). Saying, "it's about a woman who's having relationship problems with her husband, loses something important to both of them when she is attacked, freaks out and runs away to Tomales Bay, and meets two guys who fight over her" isn't very appealing. True, but uninteresting. It really was so much more than that. I was impressed that it felt like a REAL MOVIE. With minor exceptions, professional quality in the acting, story, writing, and production. Gorgeous shots. Dynamic characters. Nudity. Way 2 go, Arwen!

At 8:27 PM, Blogger specules said...

btw, fine job listing your various and sundry goings-on. excellent bullet point skeelz.

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Sarah Goss said...

I want to see this movie!!! I insist that someone write back and tell me how :-)
Or, if I were more enterprising, maybe I could figure it out by myself by going to the web site...yeah, that's probably a good idea, huh?
I admire the Arwen's efforts in a new kind of a show situation (the 8-member ensemble) and also her honesty in discussing the things that are hard about it...she is always my most courageous muse!
PS I wish I were throwing up from situps and not from my ever-fattening girth and the involuntary rearrangement of my internal organs....

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Sarah Goss said...

...okay, apparently my computer does not want me to enter the Hog Island website. I have asked it politely to do so three times, and three times it has rudely declined. If there are other showings and I miss them, I will scream, so please somebody send me more info. Sorry to be so demanding, but I am going to be sexist and blame it on my spiraling hormones.


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