arweena's very first blog

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Life is about to change....again....

i have really bad cramps today and they are taking a lot of my mental power, so forgive me if i am wifty.


I feel like deborah in that i cannot imagine how to catch up on the last month and a half or i keep starting entries and then not finishing them because they do not cover the scope of what i am trying to get to in my update. this is silly, of course as this is just a little blog for fun...but it's also kind of nice for me to look back and remember what the hell was going on when and where and what...and well, that has not been happening. ah well. up on and onward.

So I am about to have my last few days of semi-freedom. I feel really mixed about it. This weird special hard awesome crazy irritating soft exciting time is coming to an end. This Monday, November 6th will mark my first day of rehearsal for my first new show in about 6 months. 6 months is BY FAR the longest time I have ever gone without doing theatre. yes, yes of course I have been doing amazing readings out the WHHHHHAAAAZOOO, but it's not at all the same draw on you mentally, creatively, time-managementally, physically, personal lifeally as doing a full on show. We will have to see what happens...

But for now, work calls and i must depart... feeling that, once again, i cannot keep up. BUT - lots of amazing shit has been going on...and if i ever get around to will be a good update. ;)


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