Bay to Breakers
The AMD and I kicked Bay to Breakers ass. It was super awesome. We were in danger of not making it downtown in time since the stupid 38 Geary was on a Sunday schedule and totally filled to the max when it finally did come, but we hitched a ride with a very nice couple who we owe some cosmic good karma to and soon after we were off and running. Literally.
The Hayes street hill wasn't even THAT bad. And - NO - we didn't even partake in any of the jello shots that people were selling at the bottom of it. ;)
We ran the whole damn thing and had a freaking great time. Even a born-again Christian group at the end (who are there every year along with jews for jesus... but not right next to each other. ;) ) calling me out for my 'exposed body parts' could not dampen the spirits. Especially since everyone around us looked rather horrified for me (since, well, let's be honest, we'd all already been subjected to way too many naked men at this point) and this awesome woman behind us said, "she's running a fucking road-race, what do you expect?"
Warning: my (and others) exposed body parts may show up in the following photos:
I am really confused about the exposed body parts. Were they talking about your tummy, do you think? Is _that_ an offensive body part to expose?
I live in Marin and you are on the cover of the new AT&T phone book.
In case you care -
I stumbled across your blog as we have some of the same interests.(Most of them were physically active things like: trapeze. I don't actually do any of these strenuous things, I design my jewelry line around them. hee hee) Anyway,I grew up in Albany, Ca. and I miss the Bay Area! Your Bay to Breakers photos brought up fond and hilarious memories! Just wanted to say hello and thanks for the laugh!
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