arweena's very first blog

Friday, February 17, 2006


OMIGOODNESS! Whilst I was flinching and grinning in the lovely plastic lined chair at the dentist getting fitted with my brand spanking new crown of incredible pearly white brightness, I missed a phone call from the director of my movie. Guess what?!?!?!?!? Hog Island ( has been selected to have its world premiere at the Sonoma Valley Film Festival!!!! ( )

Ohmigoodnessomigoodnessomigoodness it is so very exciting. :) Peoples can actually see it – along with my bare ass (which wasn’t actually that horrifying!) – as Sonoma is very very close to San Francisco. Sweet. :) As I am currently in TECH week and not getting enough sleep and being basically FORCED to add overtime hours to my rehearsal on Sunday (which means I am going to miss Family Guy, which was honestly going to be the high point of my week) and still waking up almost every night from gum/tooth pain, I REALLY needed some nice news. And this was quite a bit more than nice! Perhaps I will take some Guns N’ Roses to my Tissu class today and celebrate.

Oh and by the way, my friend Sarah is going to have a baby girl. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?!!??! I am still in awe of this. It’s actually impossible to write about. Her tummy feels stretched and taut. It’s really wild. I would like to tell her here that I am very very very proud of how brave she is and wish I could see her every other day so that I could monitor the progress by touching her tummy. I have the tiniest family in the world and have actually never had anyone close to me be pregnant and therefore I understand close to nothing about it and the whole thing seems amazing to me and it seems even more amazing to watch Sarah be amazed by it and well, you know, just, wow and stuff. Yeah.


At 4:57 PM, Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Congratulations!!!! That is such exciting news!!! And that means I can see it-- very familiar with Sonoma, am I!! I can go, can't I? Must go to the link now and see....

At 12:55 AM, Blogger specules said...

Baby I can drive your car (dunh dunh dunh dunh da), yes you're gonna be a star (dunh dunh dunh dunh da). Fantastic specimen of yin and yang.

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Arika said...

Congratulations, honey, that is just awesome!!! Yay, a festival. Pretty darn cool. Drop me a line when you can breathe for a second, I miss you! hugs...

At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! I got to your blog from Meghan's, who's a friend of... I dunno, one of these six degree things.

At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, a friend of Sarah's. Got it.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger arweena said...

why thank you all! and thank you rick...unexpected thanks are always welcome! :)


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