stomach aliens
my resident colony of aliens that live and thrive in my left and right gluteus minimus' must have decided to procreate and needed more space so they sent a search party to my stomach thereby knocking me out cold for about three freaking days. Monday night was rather unpleasant and I will spare you the details. Tuesday is a complete blur, as I was only awake for about 3 hours total. Wednesday found the aliens moving down and out so to speak and yet still much sleeping and exhaustion and nastiness and Thursday was finally some improvement complete with new alien colony fighting one another to near extinction (something other than a white bread product was even consumed!) and today heralded my semi-triumphant return to PwC (where it was complete freaking madness) with body still tired and out of whack, but definitely on the mend. However, alien colony in my ass is still thriving..... *sigh*
I don't think I've had a stomach flu since Junior High. ugh. not so fun. i hate it when i'm too sick even to READ! :(
April has truly been the cruelest month... wouldn't you agree? This must mean that May is going to be FANTASTIC! Your anniversary, my birthday... yeah. It can only get better from here (fingers crossed)!
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