arweena's very first blog

Thursday, May 25, 2006

my first computer

this may seem ridiculous..... but i got my first computer on Monday. it is a swanky little laptop. i got through college with a word processor. i have always been provided a computer at work. dave and i bought one together YEARS ago, but he mostly used it. until it became obsolete. which i guess it is. it is actually kind of exciting to have this new computer. i want to touch it. just because. it's pleasing that it's mine all mine. it does make me feel a wee bit like a consumer whore, but i'm getting over it. it comes with lots of free game trials and so far dave and i have played 'kill the aliens invading the fishtank whist you keep your fish from dying' as well as 'bowling with a Polar Bear dressed like a Hawaiian (and I mean you really bowl WITH the bear is the ball)'.

i'm telling you....whole new worlds are opening up for me.


At 1:12 AM, Blogger specules said...

Whoa, fabulous. What kind is it? Processor speed? RAM? Hard disk space? Monitor size? Preloaded applications?

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Congratulations! I love my laptop. Yours sounds really loveable, too :-)

At 12:26 PM, Blogger arweena said...

It is a Compaq Presario V4435NR. Twas a $180 discount at Best Buy. Sweet. 1.7 Ghz Pentium M Centrino Processor, 80 gig hard drive, 512megs of RAM, 15.4" widescreen display, ability to burn DVD's and CD's! Preloaded items were fairly minimal, however I seem to have everything that I need. I have already watched movies on her. :) And she's pretty. Dave even likes her.


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