arweena's very first blog

Thursday, August 17, 2006

get well serafina pekkala....

poor little serafina had to be rushed to the birdie doctor this morning because she was limping and listing from side to side and making funny weird head motions and other strange and yucky things PLUS the other birdies were ganging up on her and attacking her. it was terrible. dave took her to the vet, where he actually had to leave her for the day while they ran blood tests and did a birdie x-ray. poor serafina. so much stress for her little body. we don't know too too much, but the vet said she had enlarged organs, which is never a good sign. she was given a shot of antibiotics and sent home where she has to be kept in a cage alone (so the other birdies cannot bully her) with lots of quiet and resting time and a heating pad. she's not eating very much and she's very lethargic and it's all very sad. she is a wonderful little beta bird and dave and i love her very much. please think good thoughts for her and we hope she pulls through....

here she picks out cd's with the wogdog.


At 6:42 PM, Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Oh my gosh, poor little serafina pekkala... please get better, little sweetie! I'll be thinking of you.

At 12:54 AM, Blogger lumenatrix said...

Did everything go ok at the birdy vet? I've been crossing my fingers for her.

At 10:37 PM, Blogger arweena said...

oh thanks you guys. :) sadly, the birdie vet has so far said that all tests have come back inconclusive and that it could be almost anything. which is, um, frustrating. serafina has been up and down and the other birdies are really quite to keep those fingers crossed. we have a check up on thursday. we'll see if there's any more info then....

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Ann Marie Donahue said...

So sorry to hear about this. I'll keep reading to see if there are updates. Just getting back to life here in the Bay Area. GET WELL sarafina.


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