arweena's very first blog

Friday, June 15, 2007

thursday of mass insanity

that's what the piece of paper says. i found it in my bag recently. it was in a folder marked 'upcoming'. as it refers to April 19th, i, um, rather need to update my upcoming folder it seems....

so, i admit, i have a lot of hectic, crazy ass days in my life, but this one seems to have actually warranted not just a simple list, but an 8 1/2" x 11" size sheet of paper list. it's pretty amazing, so i thought i would share. A few things to know - i had my first ever public aerial tissu gig at a way-too-hip-for-me club called supperclub in the evening...i had never tried to put together a circus 'costume' before and you have to try such things out on your apparatus BEFORE you perform (makes sense). :) I also had an audition scheduled at the Magic for the afternoon for a new play by Bill Pullman (yes, that Bill Pullman) about NASA that incorporates the use of low-flying trapezes to simulate movements in space. (can you say, omigod, sign me up?!?!?!) and much to my surprise when I got to this audition, it was actually him running it! but that's a whole 'nother story....

let us begin...

Thursday of Mass Insanity

in morning:
1) print audition sides and read them (FYI - 'sides' are the pages of the play that you should specifically prepare and be partially memorized on for an audition)
2) gather audition outfit - blk pants, tank top, long sleeves if cold?
3) cut fishnets and bring with blk tanktop to circus center to double check on tissu
4) get supperclub address
5) e-mail Jayne re: reading schedule ?'s (FYI - another staged reading that was coming up)

leave house no later than 10am - take motorcycle

arrive circus center no later than 10:30am

at circus center:
1) short tissu practice with costume
2) change the rescue 8 from red to wine color tissu (FYI - rescue 8 is the hardware that attaches to the top of a tissu that then gets attached to your carabiners and swivel)
3) run drop type tricks with tissu at 22 - 24' (FYI - supperclub ceiling height was quoted at 22-24' rather than the 30' we have in the gym - needed to make sure drops would still work)
4) do you stick to tissu with fishnets? does the tank top ride up? are you getting tissu burns?
5) go to office - pay for next class session
6) tell elena you are going to yosemite - will miss class.
7) change into work clothes

leave circus center no later than 11:40am
- have with you: tissu, all hardware, outfits, hair clips, rosin, et al

arrive Supperclub (location now known) no later than 12noon.

at Supperclub:
-drop off tissu
-check in about anything else i need etc...

arrive PricewaterhouseCoopers no later than 1pm

at PwC:
1) work
2) print updated headshot/resume for audition
3) highlight script for reading rehearsal later (FYI - a different staged reading I had coming up which was having it's first rehearsal in the evening)
4) make 'away from desk' sign
5) change into audition outfit, remember your headshot/resume, put on a little make-up

leave PwC no later than 2:30pm for audition at Magic Theatre

arrive Magic no later than 2:55pm

at Magic - 3pm Audition
1) do audition: 3 - 4pm
2) change back into work clothes

arrive back at PwC 4:30pm

at Pwc:
1) work
2) highlight your script if you didn't get a chance earlier
3) deal with most pressing personal e-mail
4) tell dad you saw willie nelson last night at the fillmore. :)
5) find directions to rehearsal studio
6) keep checking yosemite weather (FYI - twas currently snowing and we were going to be camping there in a day and a half)

leave work no later than 6:15pm

arrive rehearsal space in the Mission by 6:45pm

at reh studio:
1) rehearse for a staged reading 6:45 - 8:30pm


arrive home by 9pm!

at home:

1) can dave drive you to supperclub?!?!?!??!? (FYI - it had started raining)
2) get changed into something you can wear at a club
3) have tissu outfit, make-up, hair stuff, ROSIN!, towel, other clothes options
4) hat - for dave too - does deb know????
5) chill out and breathe for 10 seconds.

leave no later than 9:40pm!

arrive supperclub by 10pm calltime

at Supperclub:
1) figure out where the hell you go
2) double-check the tissu
3) find out about mat
4) put on make-up
5) warm-up
6) change into costume

be ready by 11:15pmish for go! (I went on more like 11:45pm and then debbie, dave, jeremy and i stayed longer for a buddy of mine who was doing trapeze)



wow. i am actually exhausted just thinking about this day.

thank you for living through it with me.

what i also love about this day is that dave's mom had just left a week before, i had come down with a raging cold that i was still fighting and we were trying to get our shit together to leave for yosemite for a few days for camping and relaxation. We had to go a day late due to the snow, which did thankfully did stop and in the end good times were had by all.

let's all nap now.


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