arweena's very first blog

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My Circus Debut!

So... information is FINALLY up about the Circus Center's Showcase and tickets are now available thru the website. We just had a rehearsal tonight where Dave and I ran through the routine for the first time with him playing 'Here Comes the Flood' live and singing. And I'm happy to report that it went really well. :) He sounds great reverberating through the huge gym. sweet.

It's now being billed as a Circus Cabaret. The adults have the first hour and then after intermission the youth circus will present their new show. I think it should be perty excellent. :)

Saturday, May 19th at 2pm and 7pm
Sunday, May 20th at 2pm

Tickets available online at
or you can call 415/759-8123

Deb (who gets major awesomeness points for this!) even made it possible to get a preview, as she videotaped my very first public performance at SupperClub here in the city. She's got it up on her blog: HERE and on youtube: HERE This is a bit, um, different cause it's improv-ing to a DJ at a hip club with a small amount of clothes on....but I'm still proud to say that a) it looks like I know what I'm doing; and b) they asked me back and gave me a real job there performing as a hired aerial act during dinnertime, rather than 12:30 at night. :) good stuff. :)


At 9:06 AM, Blogger Zanne said...

Wow, I haven't checked your blog in a while - I saw Deb's video as well as the one Dave did to the Peter Gabriel song. You look awesome! I'm sad that I won't be there to see your peformance next weekend - but I'll send good vibes your way!

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Ericha2 said...

OMG you are amazing! I am moving next weekend an I can't make it! *POUT*

You'll have to let me know when you're doing dinner gigs at the Supper Club and Ed and I will have to shell out the dough to eat there.

Congrats sweetie! It's awesome! And good luck...break a leg...whatever next weekend.

*HUGS* Erica

At 11:02 AM, Blogger arweena said...

Thanks guys! I promise to twirl well for you both! :) Getting excited now..... hee hee!

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Sarah Goss said...

The routine was really brilliant and moving, Arwen. Gave me chills all up and down my spine, it did. And that move at the end where you went all spinning toward the floor super-fast--!!! Mark and I were both SO impressed, we really were. I can hardly believe you are up there looking like a professional after having just taken this up fairly recently, not like one of these people who starts at 9 years old... it is totally amazing and flabbergasting. And to think you have to tie all those knots around yourSELF while having the strength to stay up there and also focusing on the elegance of the moves you are executing....

The show was AWESOME. Dave's performance heightened the effect spine-tinglingly, as well.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger arweena said...

thank you so much sarita - twas really a bonefide dream come true. :) I'm so glad you were there. :)


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