arweena's very first blog

Saturday, July 14, 2007

canada's pretty nice, eh? and so is pottery, eh?

we're so totally in ontario now, eh? huntsville, ontario to be precise. but that's not what we're going to talk about today.

so....back when we were still in PA, my dad gave me a pottery lesson. first he showed us how he makes his amazing jugs. at this point he is pulling the jug up:

tricksy tools helping to make things pretty:

once finished, he is proud:

now it is my turn. first I learn to center the clay. it is freaking hard. Agent J (the dog) tries to help:

then we use dad's homemade contraption to start the hole in the middle:

then i learn to pull the pot up:

oh no - catastrophe!

well, jugs are kinda hard, i guess this will just be a bowl:

but dad, how do I put a nifty lip on the edge?

ta da!

some banks and things that dad is working on:


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