arweena's very first blog

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

wow. cool.

nice little article in playbill about my next gig: here

pretty exciting. :)

what else? well - i'm still mourning the end of the trip. still feeling like the city is dirty. BUT - i'm better able to see it's beauty cracking through as well.... well, today anyway....maybe because it's sunny...

excited to have a chance to catch back up with friends... :)

going to circus center for first time in over a month tomorrow. wish me luck. i did have a few too many ice creams and french fries on this trip, so lifting the whole arwen will be a bit more challenging. ;)

oh and i'm still tired. every day since we've returned...tired.

first band rehearsal in over a month tonight. michael got an accordion. twill be interesting. :)

had a lovely massage with jen weed last night. lots of things were in much better shape, except the neck. the neck is BAD. helmets are heavy, i guess. ouch. poor neck.

the birdies loved their time with MOMWOW. they probably think we suck, since we came back and now they spend all day in their cage. with MOMWOW, they had someone sing to them and talk to them all day long... every day. They even learned new sounds and chirps and tweets. Serafina seems to use them the most. It's pretty neat. good job MOMWOW.

how did it get to be August already?

my dayjob seems really boring to me right now. but ask me about the upcoming administrative reorg....that's pretty intriguing corporate bullshit. I even had to deal with it on my vacation. spent about 5 hours on it during vacation. basically (arika - you are going to LOVE this), um, we have to reapply for the jobs we already have. yeah. go corporate america.


At 7:45 PM, Blogger Dan Wilson said...

welcome back!!

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Arika said...

OMG. Um, yeah, I do love it. Ahead of my time, I was, wasn't I? We just got some very expensive brand new software which should enable us to properly edit that thing...maybe... ;)

At 8:48 PM, Blogger arweena said...

thanks dan! :)

and yes arika....very forward thinking, you are....:) impressive. i'll let you know if i'm 'offered' my old job back.


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