tired tired tired tired all the time.
I'm really, really tired. And not just today. It seems like every day for the past week or two (or three) I wake up tired. The amount of sleep does not matter - it could be 9 straight hours of zonked out bliss, and yet I still wake up tired. and it's mentally tired and physically tired. An all-over body tired. And it's getting annoying. And it's getting really old. And it's hard for me to believe that it's because of one stupid hour from turning back the clock.
Ok - confession time - I am so addicted to 'Dancing with the Stars'. How could this happen? I never watch TV. I don't like TV. TV is soooo evil. And this show is on TWICE a week. It's like a REAL commitment. Jesus. Will wonders ever cease?
I fell off my step in step aerobics class today and landed smack on my left butt cheek. It hurt my pride a whole lot more than my ass. I was so tired and the instructor started doing her one routine that I find annoying and I just tuned out for a second to be annoyed and think to myself about being annoyed and blam! Next moment I was on my ass. I don't know what the lesson is here, because I'm too tired to think about it, so instead, I'll opt for denial and pretend it never happened.
Bananas are really wonderful. Sometimes they are lifesavers.
A few weeks ago I took my work laptop home. I started to do some work, but my letter 'k' kept fighting me. It would not go down all the way. So I plucked it off the keyboard to investigate, didn't find anything, and resumed typing. But then, my letter 'm' started acting up. so I peeled that one up as well and again, I didn't see anything. I decide to press some of the letters around the problem area and now the letter 'l' is the culprit. So I pull up the letters 'o', 'k', 'l' and 'm' and find a very large piece of discarded fingernail. And it wasn't mine. This is troubling. What are people doing at my desk when i am not there?
Scrabulous on facebook is making me very angry right now. It seems to be having errors whilst loading quite a lot lately. Either that or it's giving me the hint that I should be doing work. At my job. HA!
I have an audition tonight and actually have to do a monologue. I think it may be a good 4-5 years since I've needed to do a monologue. (This is because I get called in by specific theatres for specific parts in specific plays and so I just prepare 'sides' or sections for that part. I am doing that for these people as well, but since they are a smaller company they still do 'monologue' auditions. Monologues are something I was more than happy to be done with due to their suckiness and limitations as a vehicle to show your acting 'chops', but that's a WHOLE 'nother post.) This may prove interesting. It's been a really long time. oh - and did I mention how TIRED I was!?!??!?!
To quote my character Mina, from when I did 'Dracula' my senior year in high school, "Oh! I'm so weak and languid!" (said whilst tossing hand back dramatically against forehead and falling into someone's arms.) What a vapid role.
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