arweena's very first blog

Thursday, June 05, 2008

vog ist nicht so gut

I have never tried to blog from my iPhone before, so this will have to be quick... The west coast and east coast CLL's are all over (details later) and now we are in Hawaii... On the big island... Which happens to be completely covered in a thick cloud of vog. :( We've heard that two vents are currently emitting fun stuff, something that has not happened in over 200 years. Timing is everything, eh? ;) we did snorkel today with sea turtles and that was rather awesome. We're going to attempt to locate dolphins tomorrow morning before heading off to Volcanoes. We've been pretty underwhelmed with the Kona side of the island thus far and are hoping that Volcanoes and the Hilo side will be more our thing.

There are Pygmy ponies, goats, a pot-bellied pig and every bird from chickens to parrots at our B & B... You should hear it in the morning... ;)


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