arweena's very first blog

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


It's official. I am still not a morning person. Dave had to literally toss me out of bed this morning. I am not kidding. It was awful. I sat there on the floor not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Why is it that some people can pop right out of bed fresh and vibrant and ready to meet the day while some of us feel like we are being re-ripped from the womb EVERY single time the stupid alarm goes off. Ugh. And now I feel grumpy and tired and annoyed. Good combo! Oh - and there are aliens in my stomach and they are not friendly. Ugh.

Ok- I wrote that this morning and I am now back from trapeze class. My tummy is still wonky, but man - after flipping around in the air a bit and catching oneself by body parts that have no business holding ones entire body weight, I feel a whole lot better… which is good, because I have to turn around and go back and teach in just about another hour. (oh yeah - by the way - I've started teaching! Anyone wanna learn aerial tissu or trapeze or just generally get your butt kicked? let me know. I'm available.)

Wow. I was REALLY cranky this morning. I hope I didn't talk to any of you… if I did, I probably snarled. Sorry. goodness gracious, dear me.


At 5:06 PM, Blogger Sarah Goss said...

To say "I relate" would be putting it mildly. I HATE the morning. I kept thinking, after I had a baby, that I would get used to it, since I had no choice-- but the truth is, I have never gotten used to it. It continues to be hard, every single morning. Then, on the flip side (is this true for you, too?), going to bed is also hard. I want to stay up and stay up and stay up... and then, in the AM, I want to stay in bed stay in bed. Pretty much, wherever I am-- that's where I want to be.

Congratulations on the teaching! I can't wait to hear all about it. And if I ever decide to fly through the air, I will definitely pick you as my teacher! :-)

At 5:19 PM, Blogger lumenatrix said...

Dude, I am the exact same way in the morning- only I don't have another person to force me up. Yeah, I'm late to work a lot, and like Sarah, I spend a lot of late nights staring at the ceiling waiting to sleep.

I'm almost embarassed to admit it but a big reason I was a theater major in callege was because none of the classes started before 10am and I could work nights.

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

I am also not a morning person. I never want to get out of bed - it's just so comfy and cozy. ANd I have a hard time getting myself to go to bed, too. I wonder if there's just some inherent circadian ryhtm that's more or less set in stone ...

Glad you're feeling peppier - and it'd be fun to take a class with you sometime Arwen - maybe once I can do an actual pull up ;-)

At 4:09 PM, Blogger arweena said...

I love how many people wrote back about this - here and through e-mails. :) it makes me feel a skinch better about my morning pain. just a skinch, cause it still BITES.. but at least now I think to myself, 'Arwen - get your ASS out of bed RIGHT NOW you loser, you are not the only fraking person in the world who thinks this sucks ass or has somewhere to go and thinks that it stinks that there have to be drop dead start times for things... and god, you don't even deserve to complain since you a) aren't a teacher; and b) don't have a kid.'

Arwen thinks these things, but still feels the womb ripping sensation. ugh. like this morning. ow. I set two alarms. I almost slept through both of them. :(

and yes - I do feel the same way about bed. when left to my own devices, I could stay up ALL NIGHT running around the house in my underwear dancing and singing silly songs and surfing the net for the latest Pink single (guilty pleasure!) and pretending that I don't have 200 e-mails to respond to and practicing handstands over the bed and eating snacks whenever I want to along with a nice glass of red wine and oh shit - how did it get to be 2:30am and i'm wide awake and have been playing iPhone scrabble for the last hour?

yeah. something like that.


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