Arwen is a Pure Nerd and she is proud.
Dude. I rule.
Ok. This was just about the most fun I have had procrastinating in quite sometime. (thank you Sarah and Deborah!) Not only was the test fun, but it confirmed my sneaking suspicions that always having something to read in my bag in case I get bored, is rather nerdy. Sweet. I am proud. I also love that one of the questions totally burned me for trying to figure out what was being tested, how it was working, etc…etc…
So this was what I found out:
I am a Pure Nerd
73 % Nerd, 39% Geek, 21% Dork
and then it goes on:
For The Record:
A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd. The times, they are a-changing. It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the "dork." No-longer. Being smart isn't as socially crippling as it once was, and even more so as you get older: eventually being a Pure Nerd will likely be replaced with the following label: Purely Successful. Congratulations!
and then it even gave me a breakdown amongst my peer group:
You scored higher than 83% on nerdiness
You scored higher than 49% on geekosity
You scored higher than 28% on dork points
I have a feeling that being able to dance and never really having an acne problem saved me from a lot of dork points. Go figure. However, I do (rather often) have people tell me that there are smudges on my face or things in my teeth or schmutz on my pants…I just seem to miss these things…
Must run to the theatre… (again – something that just piled on the Nerd points!)
once again:
good clean fun.
hee hee hee! Deb and I got Pure Nerd too. My percentage of nerd was close to yours, but I think my dork rating was higher than my geek rating... though I was proudly able to say that I DO own a graphic novel now! I am trying to imagine where you might have outdone me in the geek category; have you ever been to a fan convention or participated in the writing of a fan 'zine? I don't seem to recall that about the Arweena... hmm... do you know any movies by heart? (But that might be a dork thing, and I'm pretty sure I beat you or at least tied you in dork).
Well, congratulations--you are in GREAT company with Pure Nerd, if I do say so myself!
Okay, I just re-checked my ratings: we have the same exact dork rating--21%. But you slightly outdid me in nerd (not by a lot, though) and more impressively outdid me in geek. I am still pondering which questions did it for you!! I would definitely prefer to be a geek rather than a dork.
you know, I was slightly surprised as well at my level of geekiness, but the Neil Gaiman obsession definitely helps me there....although I don't speak Tolkien Elvish...and I actually never have been to a convention... and have never written fan fiction....i could be that I own the entire 'Twin Peaks' series and have visited Snoqualmie, WA and had cherry pie and coffee at the RR Diner. Yeah. I have some pretty good geek tendencies, I guess.... :) You know, now that I think about it, do you think that it counts that Becky and I used to write fictional tales for one another imagining what life would be like as Axl Rose's girlfriend?
i.e. something like:
{Axl stalked moodily through the open door and scowled as he slumped into an orange shag chair. "Slash, where the fuck are you?” he grumbled through his teased hair. “I’m hungry”, he said as he took a Marlboro Red out of his pocket and tried to locate his matches. “Slash! Did you take my fucking matches you cocksucker?!!?!” he screamed as he spun around three times like a dog trying to find the right place to take a crap. And that was when he saw her - standing in corner, looking shy, but ready. With billowing blonde curls and breasts heaving in a black leather corset. It was Becky.}
Ok. So, by the way, I’m not kidding. It’s like I suddenly just went back into my overly hormonal 13 year old girl body and remembered one of my stories word for word. Wow. That was weird. What is really scary is that I didn’t really want to stop as it was getting kind of fun. I suddenly remembered that we had Axl and Slash have this ridiculous pseudo nitty, bitchy gay lover relationship (but we wouldn’t have known that or even recognized that at the time…) and Axl was always blaming everything that was wrong with life on Slash – maybe it was more like Ren and Stimpy, but anyway, Slash was generally drunk in a corner and only vaguely comprehensible, or he was having sex with a prostitute. I think a lot of his lines went something like. “Whaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhht? Axl, whaaaaaht shdid youshgjushhht shay?” yeah. Wow. Memories…
OKAY, I got Outcast Genius which is what they give you when you score higher than 50% in all three. I really shouldn't have even gotten out of bed this morning. It's truly a miracle that I even have friends. In fact, you should probably ditch me immediately since they will surely be adding "are you friends with arika mittman" to the quiz for dork points...
Though my favorite part of being an outcast genius is this: "Outcast geniuses usually are bright enough to understand what society wants of them, and they just don't care!"
hee hee!!!! Oh my goodness, I love this, Arweena! It is so funny I don't even know where to start...and cute (I loved the 80s rocker boys myself, so believe me, I relate). But what I especially love is how you went beyond the heterosexual romance narrative to imagine the lover-like dynamics of Axl and Slash's relationship. I am SURE that if I had known you back then, I would have been right there with you helping you come up with these stories. You were so innocent in one way, yet knowledgeable, too, because you correctly anticipated Slash's state of, er, altered consciousness? Inebriation? That seems about right. BUT, in the final analysis, I am not sure this wins you geek is arguable, though!
...I STILL am not sure where you won geek points that I didn't win because I, too, was able to proudly say that I own all of the "Twin Peaks" TV series. And I could have gone ON to say something even MORE geeky, which is that "Twin Peaks" played a role in my decision to go to grad school in the Pacific Northwest. I really thought I'd be running around the forest having quirky, exotic adventures with an Angelo Badalamenti soundtrack playing in the background.
Arika, I love it that you are Outcast Genius! I think you are the first person I know to get this rating, and it deserves a big congratulations. Please keep defying society for me!
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