so this is what my life is...
I've been meaning to ruminate on a most interesting notion that came up in conversation last month whilst out at a birthday dinner with Figgy's parents. I can't remember the specific topic we were discussing, but it was something about life, liberty and happiness and dreams and expectations and the changing face of all those things as you get older and you know, stuff and stuff.... and Figgy's mom, Sam, said "Oh yeah - I call it the 'So this is what my life is.' realization. She said they were sitting around one day and she just kinda realized that as a 30-something sitting with her husband and dog at home and who was in grad school and working on a myriad of other random projects that were in different phases of being done or not, she just kinda honed in on the fact that, well, she wasn't going to be the 'young genius' or the 'young prodigy' or that young person who excelled at
So. What touched me so much about this idea was the very simple core – that what you have/know/are/understand/do/see right now is exactly where you ARE right now and is exactly what life is and is exactly what your life is. Perhaps this is silly to some of you. Perhaps you've never had these thoughts. Perhaps you've already learned this. But, well, i confess that i did think for a VERY long time that there was some sort of special arwen life that I was going to fall into or was just going to happen to me and it was going to be so freaking extraordinary. Omigoodness, yes it was. Well, it didn't exactly turn out the way I expected. Had you shown me this mirror of myself at 32 way back at 13 or 18 or 22 or even 25, I would have been surprised. Because what I have figured out the longer I ruminate on Sam's amazing little words, is that holy shit... ok. The special arwen life door that i expected or dreamed of back then, did not open or fall upon me. But you know, the life that HAS been woven all these years to end up at this particular point in time turned out to indeed be special and extraordinary after all. Go figure. It just wasn't at all what i expected. Fame and fortune and genius it is not. But i expect that those things are WAY WAY overrated. My life is not. And this seems to be what it is.
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I totally understand your feelings here. The AMD goes through this on a daily basis. Part of me thinks fatalistically about life and the other part takes it slow, come what may. Yeah.. sometimes its like why haven't I published a photo book yet, why aren't I in a movie yet (uhm cause you haven't really auditioned for any). But remember, you have done AMAZING things in your life for as long as I've known you. You have really excelled in your career as an actress and your songwriting is kicking ass. It is just hard to look at it for the 'me' perspective. But I like Sam's thoughts. Good on you and her.
Oh and one more thing. Circus class - You have totally amazed the world (i.e. your friends and parents etc) with your ability to do trapeze and climb a silk rope under than a year. You look like a pro and can certainly do the showcase this year!! Also, you are a local celebrity (re: the fame part of what we want and where we are in life at the moment). I've been out with you at restaurants and at plays where people come up to you and congratulate you on your stellar performance of Lobby Hero, Rules of Charity etc. Just some observations as a friend. But I completely understand our life really does take us on a different path that we might have envisioned earlier in life. You have been successful in some many ways. Did I mention what a great CAA you are? LOL.
I tried to send a comment, but it deleted it, so all I will say is I completely get and relate to this... I've spent way too much of my all too fleeting youth thinking about what I will do when we have enough money, when I get staffed, when I have a house, when I sell a screenplay... wishing I could just relax in the here and now... but more on this when we talk my dear!
YES arika! it just seems so late to learn something so seemingly simple, and yet I know lots of people never learn to just embrace what they have and go with it....and i'm not saying that i triumph with this every day. at all. it's just more that it's nice to give yourself the PERMISSION to try. the permission to live the life that you have carved out for yourself. :) and yes - we can talk more when we actually make that phone date!
and AMD - what sweet things to say (although I was in NO way looking for arwen ego rubbing from this, i promise...), and yes that is what I meant - that perhaps the 'things' that have happened in the last ten years or so are not exactly what i would have imagined or dreamed, but dammit, some of them (like some of what you listed) are pretty freaking cool and it's okay for your hopes and dreams and life ideas to morph over time. it would probably be less healthy to keep them rigidly fixed at some ideal you created when you were 13! and especially ME at 13! I mean, have you seen the pictures?!??!?!? scary!!! you wouldn't trust that girl with life ambition or goals or hairstyling! ;)
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