dave bought this:
This is a 1999 Honda Valkyrie. It is a 1500. It is SO freaking big. We have a Kawasaki 750 Vulcan right now. It's not a small bike. This bike is TWICE its size. No really, it's a monster. Dave bought it because we are going to realize his lifelong dream of doing a cross country road trip by motorcycle this summer. He is SO very excited. So excited that he bought the bike 6 months early. No really...just ask him how excited he is....it's staggering. he's downstairs in the garage playing with it right now. did I mention that it is HUGE? I can sit on the back like a queen.... yesterday, we rode it to the dance along nutcracker and on the way home dave decided to turn on the stereo and man oh man were we a sight cruising the city on our monster bike that was blaring some hot 107.7 the Bone tunes, including 'Comfortably Numb' and 'Communication Breakdown'. It was a sight to behold.
and here is a truly awesome picture that EVERYONE should see:
SO PLEASING! Wombats are SO Pleasing!
OMG that's quite a beast. And the motorcycle's amazing, too. Hardee-har-har. Wait, did that joke work?
Anyway, I have this mental image of you on the back of the bike in full regalia with a royal robe and a crown and, because I have somehow combined "fairy" into the mix, a magic wand, and you're waving elbow-elbow-wrist-wrist down the road. Oh wait, I think I was thinking of a scepter. Whatev.
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