arweena's very first blog

Sunday, September 02, 2007

mia is so freaking rad.

ok. this is SO awesome. Mia decided to enter a competition for a short radio piece. The theme of the competition is 'dollar storeys' and there are three categories to choose from and one of them happens to be 'bicycle bell'. She asked me if I would be willing to talk about my burger bell and all the times that it has been stolen throughout the years....about why it was so nifty....what it's like to bike commute in SF, etc. etc. I said 'yes', she came over and recorded in the bedroom closet, and now the rest is history. She was limited to 2 1/2 - 3 minutes and anyone who knows me, knows the way i tell, well, her editing is REALLY impressive. ;)

if you can spare the 3 minutes, this will really be worth your while. she did an amazing job with the final piece. it's funny, creative, heartwarming and just plain fun. i am so impressed. go mia!

I can't figure out if there is a way to post it here, so just go to this link HERE and scroll down to #51 My Bike had a Burger Bell: a Tragic Tale of Loss and Woe and check out how awesome mia is with this crazy radio stuff. :)


At 7:46 PM, Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Hee hee!! Yes, Mia did a great job. But, Arwen... you are just too funny and endearing for words. Burger Bell Tale rules.

At 7:47 PM, Blogger Sarah Goss said...

PS I really love the overlapping burger bell losses and the way the song plays in the background. That is just such a good way of making things concise that would NEVER have occurred to me. I would have thought of something much more dry, like a long list with dates or something. That is why, I guess, I am an ACADEMIC and not an ARTIST :-) And I like the poignant bell rings at the end. The whole thing is way cool and oddly touching.

At 12:37 AM, Blogger arweena said...

yay! i'm so glad you like it. :) and yes! isn't the overlapping creative! all mia - all her good...and yes, the dings are all well placed. :) well done.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Ann Marie Donahue said...

THIS is amazing!! I concur with Sarah's comments. It is quirky, poignant and funny! Love the burger bell sounds also. Oh to know such talent... Mia, Arwen, Sarah and Deb.. GREAT JOB Arwen and Mia. I hope Mia wins!!



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