arweena's very first blog

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crutch Camp Palin

Ok - I never thought her name would worm its way onto my blog, but....well... I found this pleasing:

Sarah Palin Baby Names

Mine is: Crutch Camp Palin

Dave's is: Crunk Petrol Palin. I tried it for some of the birdies... my favorite is that Rowsby Woof would be named Flex Gunship Palin. heh. I dunno why... I found that really amusing. Giggle-worthy even. But I did just teach silk for 5 HOURS so I'm little brain dead. ;)

and please make sure that you have all watched this:

Daily Show

I am officially on break from the news. Until this so called 'liberal media' that supposedly runs the world find some balls and/or pulls their collective heads out of their asses and starts asking some real questions and oh, I don't know, reporting some actual NEWS, I am on strike. The bitter taste of hypocrisy has been testing the limits of my optimism and frankly... that pisses me off.

oh - and if you haven't... watch this too: Saturday Night Live


At 5:02 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

The news is giving my sleepless nights - but it's like a car accident on the freeway - I can't seem to look away. I get a lot of my news from - and they're definitely issue driven.

I've also gotten involved with the Obama campaign - i did some volunteer data entry at their Berkley office yesterday, and there are lots of online tools for getting involved too:

My MO in the past has been to just hide from from the unpleasant news - and i decided I just couldn't do that this time because i really can't think of ANYTHING worse than a McCain Palin administration, and if that comes to pass, and I haven't done anything to help it not come to pass, I know that I will regret it.

I do think that the media is starting to wake up a little ... but not fast enough.

/climbs off soap box.

Buster Taint Palin ;-)


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