arweena's very first blog

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

yet another boyfriend...

ok. i know, i know... i have quite a nice little handful of boyfriends. But lately I feel like as I add them to my list, I am just as often taking them off. For example, after seeing Neil Gaiman reading from his superfunandawesome new book for young adults, The Graveyard Book, live and in person at the Kabuki Theatre here in town, I decided that he is no longer my boyfriend. I still love him dearly and think he is talented beyond belief, gush gush gush, but he's not my boyfriend anymore. ani difranco recently came off the girlfriend list. Same thing - LOVE her LOVE her LOVE her to death, but just watch a behind the scenes DVD and you'll see why she is not girlfriend material. ANYWAY. Mark Morford has been a boyfriend for awhile and today he provided yet another good example of why I love him and why he gets to stay on the list: Permagrins for Obama


At 9:50 PM, Blogger Sarah Goss said...

I guess it's too cliched to have Barack Obama himself as a boyfriend. Sigh....

At 5:01 PM, Blogger arweena said...

hey - it's a free country - I think he's TOTALLY fair game. :)

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well Dennis Leary is my boyfriend and I know he isn't for everyone but he is really COOL in person. Totally smart, still funny and adores his wife. He still talks like a 12 yr. old boy but admits that! He is very boy.. I know he might not be your type but I find him very talented and therefore he turns me on :)


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