arweena's very first blog

Monday, February 16, 2009

Cancel it!

so... i started to feel like boiled crap yesterday. not pleasing. so today, i made the unprecedented move to just cancel the whole day. i am so not good at this. my intense 'suck it up and deal' side always mocks me and chides me if i don't just suffer through the day. but you know what? after much internal struggle, i told her to fuck off.

to begin with, i called the girls that i train with at the circus center every monday morning and canceled. i called my private aerial silk students and canceled their lesson today.

that was a lot of canceling, so i drank my coffee and ate my bagel and decided that i could really do this. i mustered up the strength to shoot an e-mail off to my agent and canceled out of an audition today and then called in sick to the day job (yeah - we don't have presidents day off.) sadly, i cannot entirely cancel the day job, since i have my computer at home and have to complete my time sheet along with some other things. but honestly, that's not too bad.

i am proud.

i have canceled today.



At 2:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:17 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Good for you! Rest is SUPER necessary - particularly when fighting off phlegm monsters. Glad you took some time to just be. I know how hard it can be to do give yourself permission to do that.

At 10:21 PM, Blogger arweena said...

it is! it is sooooo soooo hard. but man, it was the RIGHT CALL. :)


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