arweena's very first blog

Monday, March 30, 2009

not dead.

so yeah. it's been a little busy. Just a note here for myself: DO NOT DO 4 SHOWS BACK TO BACK WITH 3 OF THEM OVERLAPPING. IT IS VERY TIRING. AND YOU ARE NOT A SUPERHERO.

Ok, now that we have that out of way, there may finally be some blog updates coming now and then in a more timely fashion. :)

but for now...

1) My show, 'Skin' ended on Saturday night. Twas a lovely run complete with an extension week and full of lovely people, but I am definitely ready for a break.

2) Dave and I are going to the Pelican Inn in Muir Beach this Sunday to Monday (thank you Mia and Dave!) and hoping to do some hiking on both days. The Pelican is one of my favorite places ever. It is right out of 'The Lord of the Rings' and should probably be in the town of Bree. I expect Strider to be sitting in the dark corner warming his boots by the enormous walk in hearth every time we go. He's never been there, but I keep checking for him. After we leave Marin on Monday we head over to the East Bay to do our first ever Zekey watching for Mia. We hope we succeed in this endeavor. I'm sure that Mia does too.

3) This Sunday was the end of the winter session at the circus center and I somehow managed to pull off 5 classes and privates and subbing without totally losing my mind. However... I learned a lot. I'll revisit this later. Spring session began today and I just found out that ALL of my silk classes are OVER full! WTF?!?!? more on that later as well....

4) Doubles trapeze with Jen has been super awesome. We are trying to put together a routine for this year's showcase in June. It is SO HARD. SO MUCH harder than silk and so much harder than solo act building. But it's also a lot of fun and really rewarding because it's so hard. I'll post more videos soon. I just have to figure out how to edit out the long sections in the middle where we sit and talk to one another on the trapeze for minutes. you don't need to see that.

5) I still have my day job. Considering what is happening in the world, that seemed worthy of reporting.

6) Got to play a bunch of Damien Rice songs this week with Patrick. Was really pleasing to cut my nails so that I could play guitar again... and was really pleasing to play ultra beautiful and depressing songs. :)

7) My first full day off in like, i don't know, 8 MONTHS was yesterday. Dave and I saw 'Monsters vs Aliens' in IMAX 3D. It was SO much fun.

8) If we are supposed to go out to dinner/lunch/coffee to catch up, you can try emailing me now. I seem to have more time. ;)

9) Battlestar Galactica is over. *whimper*

10) We are currently watching 'Long Way Down' - Ewan MacGregor and Charley Boorman's second amazing motorcycle journey. This time from Scotland to Cape Town, South Africa. It's great. So was the first one, "Long Way Round". I highly recommend them. You don't need to like motorcycles in order to like the show. at all. it's more about travel and curiosity and communication and friendship and perspective than anything else. good stuff. 3 thumbs up!

11) I'm excited for Spring. And I love the light staying with us til 7:30pm. sooooooooooo pleasing.

and i will leave you with my 1/2 twist to ankles. :)


At 10:15 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hooray an update! And you're actually getting time off?! Excellent :-D

That trapeze trick looks SCARY. You are brave brave brave! Enjoy your weekend at the Pelican Inn :-)


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