arweena's very first blog

Saturday, December 22, 2007

a very happy solstice to you all....

um. yep. i repeat. this month. too damn busy.

BUT. Last day of work was yesterday. Don't have to return until Thursday, so things are about to get a lot better. no work, no auditions, no call-backs, no circus classes, no readings, etc etc. :) pleasing. my agent has been calling me so much - everything from print-ad go-sees for california blueberries to asmanex commercials to computer geek industrials. it's been overwhelming. and god, i'm just not cut out for this. for those of you who don't know about this crap, basically, your agent calls at 5pm the day before an audition, tells you that you have a 10:30am slot for something like a Honda commercial where you need to be dressed up as a 1950's hollywood star, send you sides (parts of the script) if you have any speaking parts and then hangs up and leaves it up to you to totally rearrange your whole day to make it work. it wasn't so bad when they didn't call all that often, but 3 or 4 of these in a week is enough to make you tear your hair out, especially if you don't know what the hell upscale casual, business casual, weekend casual, just plain casual, workout casual, geek casual, computer geek hipster, hip and approachable, but not edgy, midwest mom, business upscale, but no suits, glam, young mom approachable.....blahblhablabhbhlabhlahbhlbahlab. what do these things mean? I swear to god, figuring out what the hell to wear is the hardest part of these creepy things.

ANYway. shortest day of the year. better get outside to enjoy it while it is still here. meow!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

it's all a blur.

ok. um. this month is just too damn busy.
