arweena's very first blog

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Quick bites…

For this final day of February, may she rest in peace, or actually, well, good riddance! What a historically tough month… But we are so almost through with it! Anywho…

Some good news:

a. heard from Hog Island director that we will have two showings at the film festival! A smaller one on Friday night, April 7th and, now for the big news part: we will be the 7pm movie in the main theatre on Saturday night! Sweet. :) More details will follow… as soon as I get them.

b. not that they matter, but wow:

sweet. 4 Adverbs has gotten a lot of press. It’s kinda fun. ;)

c. I have officially pulled my hamstring – right where it connects to my ass. It’s a bummer of an injury and can take months to heal. However, I have an appointment with the amazing and wonderful Jen Weed tonight and am hoping that she can coax out some of my intense butt aliens.

d. it has been raining like crazy in SF. Last night was so windy it was rather freaky. I was getting creeped out every time I took the laundry down by all the howling and knocking and pouring gutters and clanging, etc. “They” said that it would continue into today…all day... and then on and on for the next 10 days!!! Well, ha ha!!!!!!! The sun has been shining for the last 7 hours or so! Ha! Sweet.

e. Dave and I are currently reading, The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. It is so very pleasing.

f. I know enough stuff to start working on my first aerial tissu routine once this session of classes is completed. :) Sweet.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Awesome Opening Night Wombats

wow. opening night was awesome. wow. it was so much fun. wow. lemony snicket is so freakin nice. he gave everyone in the cast totally amazing flowers and an exceptionally awesome device called a "Buddha Box", which you all MUST see. Thank you all who were able to come and share such an exciting evening.... very pleasing. i will track down and maim any reviewer who thinks differently (i mean, not that reviews matter, except that, well, in terms of ticket sales, they actually do....)

this is so awesome:

and this is less, but still almost as awesome:

i am in an awesome mood. the sun is shining awesomely. all 4 birds are alive and not dead from fumes. how can things be so awesome?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

so many little...

hey all, you know, like, 6 people that know about my blog, would you please become Coraline's friends on My Space? Deborah has been working very hard on this and will be pleased to see that I have finally updated my little Bio part. :)

I caved...

...i totally I seem to be utterly useless at work this week and can't focus on a gosh darn daggit thing, I finally made a quiz. I fear that it is boring as I had to hurry up and do the last 5 questions really quickly since there were some accountants staring over my shoulder and it was SO OBVIOUS that I was not working.

heeeh hehehehehhehe heee heeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heee heee heeee!

my quiz: Take my Quiz on!

Last Preview

Show will open tomorrow. Whole cast is so tired. Seems well received so far. Pleasing. Lemony Snicket is a funny guy.

Have good pre-press in Chronicle Datebook:

Have picture on front and middle of Gaurdian.

Much hype. I hope opening will withstand the hype.

Here is show link:

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Arwen is a Pure Nerd and she is proud.

Dude. I rule.

Ok. This was just about the most fun I have had procrastinating in quite sometime. (thank you Sarah and Deborah!) Not only was the test fun, but it confirmed my sneaking suspicions that always having something to read in my bag in case I get bored, is rather nerdy. Sweet. I am proud. I also love that one of the questions totally burned me for trying to figure out what was being tested, how it was working, etc…etc…

So this was what I found out:

I am a Pure Nerd
73 % Nerd, 39% Geek, 21% Dork

and then it goes on:

For The Record:
A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd. The times, they are a-changing. It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the "dork." No-longer. Being smart isn't as socially crippling as it once was, and even more so as you get older: eventually being a Pure Nerd will likely be replaced with the following label: Purely Successful. Congratulations!

and then it even gave me a breakdown amongst my peer group:

You scored higher than 83% on nerdiness
You scored higher than 49% on geekosity
You scored higher than 28% on dork points

I have a feeling that being able to dance and never really having an acne problem saved me from a lot of dork points. Go figure. However, I do (rather often) have people tell me that there are smudges on my face or things in my teeth or schmutz on my pants…I just seem to miss these things…

Must run to the theatre… (again – something that just piled on the Nerd points!)

once again:

good clean fun.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Okay. So when my work computer asked me to change my password for like the 80th time this month for the first of 14 screens you must get through before you can even start up Windows, I tried doing the old standby of keeping the same password and just changing the number at the end. It seems that this particular password protection program will not let you use a password that you have used previously and as I said it asks me to change these damn things as often as I change my underwear, so it turns out that EVERYthing that I tried I had already used at some time and so I got angry and then very very very tired and therefore changed my password to iamtired. I have to say, it has been easy to remember as it is a very accurate description of my current state.

oh, and by the way, how fair is it that I have to work today? what if I wanted to stay home and, I don't know, celebrate the Shrub or something...

Friday, February 17, 2006


OMIGOODNESS! Whilst I was flinching and grinning in the lovely plastic lined chair at the dentist getting fitted with my brand spanking new crown of incredible pearly white brightness, I missed a phone call from the director of my movie. Guess what?!?!?!?!? Hog Island ( has been selected to have its world premiere at the Sonoma Valley Film Festival!!!! ( )

Ohmigoodnessomigoodnessomigoodness it is so very exciting. :) Peoples can actually see it – along with my bare ass (which wasn’t actually that horrifying!) – as Sonoma is very very close to San Francisco. Sweet. :) As I am currently in TECH week and not getting enough sleep and being basically FORCED to add overtime hours to my rehearsal on Sunday (which means I am going to miss Family Guy, which was honestly going to be the high point of my week) and still waking up almost every night from gum/tooth pain, I REALLY needed some nice news. And this was quite a bit more than nice! Perhaps I will take some Guns N’ Roses to my Tissu class today and celebrate.

Oh and by the way, my friend Sarah is going to have a baby girl. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?!!??! I am still in awe of this. It’s actually impossible to write about. Her tummy feels stretched and taut. It’s really wild. I would like to tell her here that I am very very very proud of how brave she is and wish I could see her every other day so that I could monitor the progress by touching her tummy. I have the tiniest family in the world and have actually never had anyone close to me be pregnant and therefore I understand close to nothing about it and the whole thing seems amazing to me and it seems even more amazing to watch Sarah be amazed by it and well, you know, just, wow and stuff. Yeah.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

ok. i'm done now. um....i'm done....

...if my goddamn tooth/crown/gum/bite/chomping issue wakes me up one more goddamn time, I am going to lose it.

i don't like this sleepus interruptus bullshit. I have always been a profoundly good sleeper and this shit is getting old and making me testy.

Happy Valentines Day to you all.... I'm going to go climb now.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

ah, my aching...

I have no right to be taking any time away from the 8 million things I have to do at work, but I simply cannot be asked to work at this pace any longer and must flex my brain in an alternate way than finance for a few minutes. (I should also be learning my lines, but we can see how much I feel like doing that as well….)


Let’s have some updates, shall we?

1) A very sweet EA (Executive Assistant) here at PwC just walked over and offered me the most amazing plant yesterday. It’s awesome. It looks like a friendly Shelob. I am currently calling him Mr. Plant, although I think it is a she and I think she would like a more creative name. Perhaps I will call her Penelope. Nope. I just asked her. She/He didn’t like that at all.

2) I want chocolate every single day.

3) I did something really god awful to the stupid recurring back injury place by my shoulder (that I initially got from rock climbing MONTHS AGO) and it pinches and hurts like a mother fucker. But man oh man - a little ice and Advil go a LONG way! It feels like this horrible nubby fist that will just suddenly spike out these sharp pains. I started out trying to coax it apart by being friendly to it and asking it to please cease it’s issues and blend back into my body, like a nice back knot. But no! It’s been a total asshole and instead I have started to refer to it as a he, since it no longer actually feels like it is a part of me. When it spazzes, it feels like this nasty little foreign body that has decided to take up residence in this one part of my shoulder. I wish I could have him excised.

4) I am assuming that I did not get the Cal Shakes part since I have not heard a peep from them. :(

5) My bike and I are getting tired of the rainy season. Even with rain gear, cold and wet feet and hands are not so fun. (But it’s still better than MUNI!!!!!)

6) I met Lemony Snicket last Saturday.

7) Deborah made a very cool montage (montage! It seems like more time has passed in a montage… Montage!) of my movie’s premiere thingy: Thank you Deborah!

8) Since I feel like perhaps I am being slightly negative today because the weather is so damned depressing and I am so freaking sensitive to these things, I would like to take a few moments to accentuate the positive: um, lets see… a) I am an employed equity actor; b) I have a super tart who was very patient about helping me and my back out last night and was even nice to me as he tried to move my totally asleep ass from the couch to the bedroom even though I think I was really whiney; c) I’ve eaten a lot of really good food over the past week; d) my aerial silk class last Friday was really kick-ass. Two people did not show up, so the class was just me, another girl and the teacher (Kerri). We got so much done! And as a special treat, Kerri decided to put on some music for us to try to do mini-routines and I have to say, it was really, really fun. And it was really nice to feel okay enough about the moves to actually ‘dance’ them in the air (as well as doing some pretty long drops!) . ok. That’s enough goodness.

9) So we have this large stuffed talking Bumble (the Abominable Snowman from the “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” Christmas special) and at some point in the last few months, he must have fallen off his normal place on the couch and ended up wedged in this nowhere space between the couch and the cell phone holder table. Ok. So - historically Bumble has always had a big role in Christmas at the Tart house, since he usually either climbs the tree or tries to ride on the Rudolph Toy Train that goes around the tree or sits around with the presents. Ok. Cool. Well, this year, Dave and I celebrated Festivus with our Ficus plant as the ‘Tree of Honor’ and neither Bumble nor the Train ever made an appearance. We didn’t even take the ornaments out. Ok, so what is your freaking point Arwen? SO – a few nights ago, Dave and I were finishing watching the last segment of “Country Boys” (An AMAZING PBS Frontline documentary that is an absolute MUST SEE) and after the show was finished, we started talking about cleaning up for the big party and Dave said, “Honey, I hate to say it, but I think it’s time to put the Christmas stuff away.” And as soon as the word ‘away’ had left his mouth, we hear this “rahgrgrahhargghrah. Rgarhahrgugarghragh!” coming from one side of the room. We looked at each other like, “WTF!?!?!?”, and when Dave went over to investigate, he found, yep, you guessed it, Bumble! who had started talking all on his own! (You usually have to squeeze his paw in order to activate his talking mechanism.) This has never happened before. This was very odd. So we rolled with the punches and realized that Bumble was most likely very unhappy about the way we celebrated the holidays this year and when Dave pointedly asked something to that effect to the room (i.e. “Perhaps someone is unhappy that we did not get a Christmas Tree this year?) , Bumble chimed in AGAIN on his own. What makes this even more odd, is that when we rescued him from his place of obscurity and placed him under the Festivus tree, he did not make another peep all not and has not since. And it wasn’t just that his battery happened to be running out at an opportune moment. We’ve checked since, and he still makes his noises when you push on his paw. So that, my friends, is the Bumble story.

And that is also the end of this update.

PS: !
