arweena's very first blog

Monday, January 14, 2008


as i have been cleaning a bit, I came across a 'poem' that I wrote in, god, must have been 8th grade. i think it gives a rather sad and all too true insight into my general 8th grade emotional state. Good god, thank christ those days are over.

the nimble fairy princess
kneeled before the throne
her gaze it was unsteady
she knew she was not alone

voices getting louder
echoed in her ears
why oh why must she cry?
why must someone hear?

her wings outstretched to heaven
were silky, lovely indeed
if only she had told them
expressed her dire need

severe faces; glances
flashed before her eyes
no one will ever comfort her
if again she cries

her life it spun before her
the sad story told
she had tried her very best
tried to fit the mold

one fairy princess
is to be no more
the proof is her cold body
lying on the floor

wow. that's embarrassing.

at the bottom of the paper there is a little scratchy drawing of a dead fairy. with "La La La La" written next to it. WTF?!

wow. i guess there are things that never change. i still kill off half the characters in my songs, but i sure hope that my understanding of rhyme scheme is a bit more, um, developed....mature....and, um, good. yeah.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


So, um, Happy New Year!

I have HIGH HOPES for 2008. High hopes indeed. If the first two weeks have been any indication of what is to come, I am totally ONBOARD for this year. :)

I haven't really felt like blogging, so I, well, I guess, I just haven't.... I've been out Doing a whole lot of shtuff. People I know are out doing a whole lot of shtuff. I could never catch up with everything, but, some thoughts:

1) My mother is somewhere in the Galapagos or Machu Picchu right now. That's so awesome.

2) Dave is in Paris, soon to be leaving for the Netherlands. That's so awesome.

3) Over the holiday break, I decided to try some actual road biking. with clip-in pedals and all. I snapped this SNAZZY pic with my lame-ass phone that, no, is not at all an iPhone at the top of the 2 mile uphill climb at Hawk Hill in the Marin Headlands. I freaking LOVED it. I think you can tell. I really kinda like hills in a sick, sadistic way.... and i also don't think that my silly little phone is half bad. so there!

4) I went to pole class with deborah over the break. it was badass. we were the only two there and I got to try all sorts of fun stuff since they knew I already did aerials. Deb caught the exciting action of me having climbed to the top of the pole on my way back down. good times. maybe not as exciting as some of the inversions we did that day, but it still proves I was there.

ok. that was a start. i should probably try to break back into this slowly....

Saturday, January 05, 2008

blog at rest.

seems the blog is on a little break. it is a blog still in its pajamas at 6pm in the evening....kinda like, um, oh right.... ME!!!!!! :)
