arweena's very first blog

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Manatees are Friends

Hello all... Any of you who actually read my blog will probably get this from me in an e-mail, but if I don't remember to send it (as I am alarmingly forgetful and clumsy these days), PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, I beg you, go to this link and do a good deed for my favorite animal in the whole world. These tubular hunks of vegetarian happiness are some of the most gentle and curious creatures on earth and it's just too bad for them that they decided to have a Florida address. :(

Here's the issue:

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWCC) Biological Review Panel has issued a report recommending that manatees be downlisted from endangered to threatened status on the state level. This latest move is a triumph of politics over science. Manatees are poised to be downlisted regardless of how they are faring in the wild because of a calculated effort by special interest groups opposed to boat speed zones and restrictions on development. And the FWCC has done its part by adopting state listing/delisting criteria so stringent that manatees would have to undergo or be at risk of undergoing an 80% decline in population before they would be listed as endangered in Florida.

Here is the action link:

Thank you guys.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Point Reyes National Seashore...

...just may be one of the most wonderful places on earth. :)

Monday, May 29, 2006

deep thoughts for today

so for the last, say, 10 years or so, I have generally gone through a period of time, say, about 1 to 2 times per year, where I strongly debate with myself the reasons for doing theatre....

I've been in one for a few weeks now. i don't want to go see anything. i don't want to audition for anything. i don't want to think about or deal with getting new headshots. i don't want my agent to call. so of course, they have been..... and more than ever, i don't want to find myself around theatre people. whew. i actually find myself getting angry about theatre. like it's something i can fight with. but I can't. it's always a frustrating time. I've always come out on the other side of these intense, sometimes angry, sometimes sad, sometimes humbling experiences and found myself ready to get going again. We'll just have to see what happens this time.

in other news....Sarita had a lovely birthday party at Millennium. :) Mr. Symonds is in town this weekend and we met at Foley's (love Foley's!) for yum yums. I found a Coldstone Ice Creamery downtown, had a Cookie Mintster and went into a sugar coma shortly after. Did an improv in Silk class to 'Origin of Love' from Hedwig on Saturday. Interesting. I still think 'Welcome to the Jungle' will be the winner. Dave and I are going to go up to Point Reyes today for some trees and hiking. :) Coraline has been working on two new songs (one that is not really about Mermaids and another that is about Puppies) and recording another one, 'Cold', which is sounding rather good. I wrote 'Cold' a lot out of response to one of Patty Griffin's most amazing feats of songwriting, 'Top of the World'. I think of 'Cold' as a chance to see what might have been going on with the woman in the story....the one who had her wings broken....

I got to meet Sox the dog the other day. He is a polar bear.

Dave is worried that Serafina Pekkala might be sick. We are keeping an eye on her.

okay. time to get the laundry. i go through leotards these days at an astounding pace....

Thursday, May 25, 2006

my first computer

this may seem ridiculous..... but i got my first computer on Monday. it is a swanky little laptop. i got through college with a word processor. i have always been provided a computer at work. dave and i bought one together YEARS ago, but he mostly used it. until it became obsolete. which i guess it is. it is actually kind of exciting to have this new computer. i want to touch it. just because. it's pleasing that it's mine all mine. it does make me feel a wee bit like a consumer whore, but i'm getting over it. it comes with lots of free game trials and so far dave and i have played 'kill the aliens invading the fishtank whist you keep your fish from dying' as well as 'bowling with a Polar Bear dressed like a Hawaiian (and I mean you really bowl WITH the bear is the ball)'.

i'm telling you....whole new worlds are opening up for me.

Monday, May 22, 2006

very quick laundry list

1) great trip back east - so lovely. so chill. so nice. highlights included soft serve ice cream, building a stone path, meeting the little birdies, having my mutti drive up to say hi for a day, hanging out and chilling with the parents, walking puppy in the woods, making a stone patio with Mr. Tart, picking fresh asparagus from the garden, eating at many delicious places (including the Beef Haus! go figure!), playing Tennis, meeting Dave's old friend Jenny in Buffalo and having a lot of tasty things, and basically just having NO schedule for 6 days. so nice!

2) spent 4 days watching the Figgy dog. very nice.

3) I've got yet ANOTHER staged reading to do this Thursday. the 4th in a month!

4) Had a deer run in front of my car whilst leaving Ross, CA last night.

5) cleaned the kitchen. even under the microwave

6) watched MirrorMask again with Mr. Tart. such a neat movie.

7) had awesome japantown girlie time. closed down the place. most excellent. many things happening, percolating....exciting times....

8) it was my brother's 26th birthday last week. weird.

9) We got a chin-up bar.

10) saw my silk teacher perform with her Gamelan band in the civic center. very fun.

11) having a massage tomorrow. thank goodness. hamstring still a problem

12) it's 9 Tart on Wednesday. (and Sarita's b'day!!!!!!) We are going to Teatro Zinzanni. Twill be fun.

13) need to go hiking very soon. feeling very trapped by the city. need trees.

14) did an improv to 'Welcome to the Jungle' in silk class. it was so freaking fun. even more fun than ani difranco or metallica. we think it just might be the song for my routine. sweet.

Monday, May 01, 2006

back east

Dave and I are leaving to go back east on Wednesday morning (at a really obscene hour) to visit with his parents. Should be nice to have a week of chillness, filled with eating, resting, hiking, resting, watching movies, resting, bowling, resting, eating, resting, eating, resting, playing with birdies, resting, playing with puppies, resting, eating and hopefully enjoying beautiful spring weather. yum.
