arweena's very first blog

Friday, April 21, 2006

stomach aliens

my resident colony of aliens that live and thrive in my left and right gluteus minimus' must have decided to procreate and needed more space so they sent a search party to my stomach thereby knocking me out cold for about three freaking days. Monday night was rather unpleasant and I will spare you the details. Tuesday is a complete blur, as I was only awake for about 3 hours total. Wednesday found the aliens moving down and out so to speak and yet still much sleeping and exhaustion and nastiness and Thursday was finally some improvement complete with new alien colony fighting one another to near extinction (something other than a white bread product was even consumed!) and today heralded my semi-triumphant return to PwC (where it was complete freaking madness) with body still tired and out of whack, but definitely on the mend. However, alien colony in my ass is still thriving..... *sigh*

I don't think I've had a stomach flu since Junior High. ugh. not so fun. i hate it when i'm too sick even to READ! :(

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Chubs and squawks

hee hee!

okay so today at the circus center I found out that I have started getting chubs (although I like the idea of calling them chubby chubs). my tissu teacher Kerri explained to me that these massive chest muscle things that have been growing over time have been affectionately dubbed 'chubs' by a fellow aerialist. wow. I think that's pretty excellent. so, to specify - a chub happens on a woman when the chest/pectoral muscles are expanding so much that there is actually a small boob above your real boob with 'a cut' line separating the two (so, you know, you don't get the benefit of making it look like you actually have bigger boobs....oh no! what I was told is that the fatty tissue known as the breast will only get smaller and yet the chubs will remain.) I guess after the number of times I climbed the rope today coupled with the fact that I don't think I can raise my arms over my head due to how many push ups my body generated this morning, my chubbity chubs will show no signs of stopping.

also - beautiful day in SF today. freaking lovely. took my camera to work in hopes of seeing the wild parrots of telegraph hill in the park right by 3 Embarcadero. well, i am happy to report that I snapped an entire roll of film (of which only 1 picture may come out), but I had an awesome time doing it, was buzzed by more than one parrot, got within a foot and a half of them chomping eagerly on Cherry Blossoms, made friends with homeless men, stoned bike messengers, a crazy guy in a suit from DC, a grampa visiting from down south and a strange man in a red coat who was not Mark Bittner, but was feeding the parrots seeds from his outstretched hands nonetheless. There was a bird that looked like Scrapperella there….very bad feather plucking. A mr. tailless wonder parrot. And mr. orange., who must have been some sort of incredible hybrid as he had hints of redorangeandyellow all on his breast. I think this phenomenon of the wild parrots and how people react to them is a shining example of how the strangest things can give us insane humans a sense of community and purity and ugh - I don't know…. But when you stand in that park and these ridiculous barrel headed birds of gleaming red and green go galumphing past you screeching literally like bats out of hell....well...time stops and silly as it sounds - we are all one. The businessman who frantically grabs for his cell phone to take a picture to show his kid, the trio of bubbling tourists from Italy who could not stop giggling, those same stoned bike messengers, homeless men and crazy guy and me. time stops for us all and all we can do is breathe it all in and think, wow. yeah. that is really, really awesome (in the true meaning of the word). and as corny as it sounds, we are all the same for a few minutes…. appreciating just one more thing that we find wonderfully, whimsically, comically and incomprehensibly AMAZING that we don’t understand at all and dished out by this crazy little planet. I wish I had more time. Although then I would turn into one of those subgroups in the park that never really leaves and I like gelato too much right now to give it up – even in the face of potential cosmic bliss.

oh yeah - and I also made friends with the biggest freaking Bull Mastiff on the planet on Saturday. His skull was as large as a small cow's skull. He was very well mannered and not on a leash. However, after I peeled myself away from him (he looked like his name should have been Mr. Biff) and the nicest (but extremely inebriated) homeless man who wanted to give me the full on detailed history of the Bull Mastiff from creation to present, I sniffed my hand and realized he was also the stinkiest dog I have ever petted. One of these days I will stop making an ass of myself and squealing like a baby pig over dogs in public. The poor Norwegian Elkhound woman in Pacific Heights thinks I'm a nutcase. well. no. best not to kid myself. I will continue to squeal and pet animals that are not mine.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


my mommy left today. :( we had such a nice visit. :) She brought the sun and seems to have taken it back with her. it had been so many days since I had been downpoured on, but today made up for it. ah well. i am very tired from all the excitement of the past 5 days. There was a whole lot of feasting and walking and movie watching/premiering and old friend visiting and nails done and circus class and lots of very wonderful people driving up to Sonoma for me and wine drinking and did i mention eating and chill band rehearsing and game playing and lots of mac and cheese and protein scrambles and happy birdies and happy herbert and homemade bread and 2 times through the panhandle with the sun shining bright and Sonoma shopping and getting pulled over and running out of gas and oh right there were crepes and seitan and fajitas and pizzas and pesto and yum yum yum gelato and massages and nice talks and surprises and just good times all around. how very lovely. :) indeed.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


My Mutti is here! yay!

It is not currently raining! yay!

My film got into another festival - the Big Island Film Festival - in oh yes! Hawaii! yay!

My Mom is making homemade Mac and Cheese tonight! yay!

I am taking 3 days off from work! yay!

I am still not feeling 100% from my sickies, but I don't care! yay!

The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill come to the park RIGHT NEXT to my day job building to roost and play in the evening. Dave and I got about 2 feet from a bunch of them chomping on cherry blossoms on Monday. And another couple were playing games on the lamps. It was really wonderful! yay!

Ann Taylor sales associates are friendly and awesome! yay!
