arweena's very first blog

Monday, June 15, 2009

Circus Center Showcase Time!

Ok! If you've wanted to check out my twin doubles trapeze act - now is the time!!!!


Our performers come from varied backgrounds and train hard for
countless hours. CIRCUS CENTER celebrates their dedication,
artistry and bravery! Good family entertainment!

Thursday June 18 & Friday June 19 @ 7:00 pm
Saturday June 20 @ 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Sunday June 21 @ 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm

Advance Tickets: $20 (Adults), $15 (Seniors, groups of 12 or more), $10 (Kids)
At the door: $25 (Adults), $20 (seniors, groups of 12 or more), $15 (Kids)

All shows at San Francisco CIRCUS CENTER,
755 Frederick Street (between Arguello and Stanyan)

Public Transportation: N Judah, 70, 37, 43

TICKETS available through TixBayArea
at or (415) 433-1235

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My beautiful stamp show...

...may have come to an end for me tonight. *sniff*. We had a fantastic two show day and then the cast and crew surprised me with an impromptu "closing" night party. It was really touching. Really. It was very strange to perhaps 'close' out a show before the show really closes (it may still yet have another extension, so my time with Mary may not yet be over!), but my doubles trapeze awaits and well, I'm pretty damn excited about that too! I know they say 'when it rains, it pours', but jesus, it's been like a constant torrential downpour over here in arwen-land. (note to self - when you haven't worked in any artistic medium for a year and feel that the well is dry, look back on this and remember!!!!!)

In the meantime, you should all come see my circus show - there are 6 chances to see the tall blonde twins... and if you missed Mauritius, I am not in it for the next two weeks (it is extended to 6/28 at this point), but it is a kick-ass show and deserves your support. Plus, you know, the man is out of his chair.....

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Mauritius Opening Night Kicks Ass

Ok. I have patiently waited and worked dilligently for 12 years in this town to be in a show where the little Chronicle Man is FINALLY leaping out of the chair. I've had lots and lots of good little man clapping reviews, but have never had him get his ass out of the chair. until now.

The day has come: Mauritius Review

