Manatees are Friends
Hello all... Any of you who actually read my blog will probably get this from me in an e-mail, but if I don't remember to send it (as I am alarmingly forgetful and clumsy these days), PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, I beg you, go to this link and do a good deed for my favorite animal in the whole world. These tubular hunks of vegetarian happiness are some of the most gentle and curious creatures on earth and it's just too bad for them that they decided to have a Florida address. :(
Here's the issue:
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWCC) Biological Review Panel has issued a report recommending that manatees be downlisted from endangered to threatened status on the state level. This latest move is a triumph of politics over science. Manatees are poised to be downlisted regardless of how they are faring in the wild because of a calculated effort by special interest groups opposed to boat speed zones and restrictions on development. And the FWCC has done its part by adopting state listing/delisting criteria so stringent that manatees would have to undergo or be at risk of undergoing an 80% decline in population before they would be listed as endangered in Florida.
Here is the action link:
Thank you guys.