a) the canadian tv series "slings and arrows" is one of the best things I have ever seen. dave agrees. the writing. the acting. the amazingness of it (and if you have even remotely touched anything to do with theatre, it will even be funnier as it is all so true....) if you are lucky enough to do netflix - they have it:
http://www.netflix.com/Search?v1=slings+and+arrows&hnjr=1 Otherwise, I'm not entirely sure how one could find it....maybe le video? but please. do yourself a favor. you NEED a break today. you need "slings and arrows"...
b) i have impressed myself greatly with my intuitive understanding of html. i have little to no html experience, yet i have somehow figured out how to add an awesome banner for the save the manatee club at the bottom of my front blog page, as well as a copyright and an extra MEOW text on the sidebar. yeah - watch out hi-tech world, i'm on my way!
c) my show is over. It ended last saturday. it makes me sad. i really loved it. a lot. i had post-show depression syndrome the day after it ended (hasn't happened in a while)... it didn't hit until the evening, but it was almost like an old friend. Anyway – was a good way to spend 3 months. so nice to be part of something with it's heart very much in the right place. :)
d) Dave has a gig this Saturday night 2/3 in San Leandro with the Zep band that I think most of you know about - starts at 9pm - BUT he ALSO has a gig on Saturday, Feb 10th at Hotel Utah with the Mikey and Joel band known as '3' - he will be making his pedal steel guitar debut and it will be an early, short night - they open from 9:30 - 10:30pm, so it should be a good time for all of us old people. ;)
e) you should all adopt a manatee
f) i bought my first aerial tissu yesterday. it may be here as soon as Monday. I am very excited and very impressed with my moving forwardness in this endeavor. :) I got a rescue 8 (the thing to which you attach the fabric) at REI and my swivel (to which you attach the whole thing) is coming this week as well (there is a long ridiculous story I could insert here about how three different companies fucked up my swivel orders resulting in mass chaos on my credit card, but it's sorta boring and only really annoying to me). Anyway - I'm feeling proud of me for being so 'stick to it 'with this as these things were not easy to find or procure.
g) patty griffin is about to release a new album (thank you arika!) - I am most excited.
h) the movie pan's labyrinth is really really something. it will leave its mark on you. it may be a cold, dark, slightly nightmarish and foul-smelling mark, but wow...it is really something.
i) there is a good chance that kristin will be relocating here within the year. this is SOOOOOOO very pleasing. :)
j) well – i confess - i have now officially been released from the last three shows I've auditioned for (one at the magic, one at theatreworks and one at the aurora)....this is not a feeling that I'm used to...i really like to win...and honestly, i've been pretty damn lucky thus far. and even though i didn't really want them in 2 instances and didn't think I was right for the other one, I still am left with this general of feeling of “WTF? Don't you know who i am? I will rip that shit up for you! You are totally losing out!”
but the truth is, I feel like it's only a slight ego sting and otherwise I'm kinda looking forward to doing all the other things I love – hanging out with tart and friends and birdies, circusing up a storm, playing music – with coraline – dave – myself, hiking and all things outdoor and the like 80 other things I'm not thinking of right now. :)
k) The oscars are on Sunday evening Feb 25th. I would be happy to have people over at the tart house if anyone is interested.
l) i so do not want to do my taxes. They are agonizing.
m) oh – 2 of my teachers are in this circus show:
http://sweetcanproductions.com/ n) i've been working WAY too many hours at my dayjob. I was going to write a long blog about all the stupid things that have happened in the last month – from another move (i moved floors this time), to a one week training that i was forced to attend even though it was for people just starting the job I've been doing for 2 ½ years....but anyway – it's all BO - RING – so be happy I chose not to write that blog entry.
o) I made my first quiche last sunday. It was tasty.
p) had dinner with mark and sarah on monday at mescolanza. Holy tastiness batman! Sarah's mom was nice enough to babysit, so the 4 of us got to have adult time dinner. Very nice. :)
q) January was REALLY busy.
r) dave is making me join him in gutting the kitchen now.
s) dave brought his pedal steel to our last coraline band rehearsal. Oh so pleasing! Could be a whole new direction for us!
t) my brother spud shaved his head – and therefore his very long dreadlocks are gone. I am so curious but have not yet seen a pic. He was hit by a car on his bike a few days after it happened. I do not believe the two incidents to be related. Went to the emergency room and all. I'm pleased to report that he's doing better – things still hurt – but he's been reading up a storm. :)
u) speaking of reading, I highly recommend “Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell” and I'm almost done with Alan Moore's “V for Vendetta”. So freaking good.
v) white trash superbowl party = this sunday
w) wow. At this point i kinda feel done, but i see what letter i am on and cannot help but feel the pressure to try to make it to z!
x) my friend carrie nelson (aka sexy) called on monday with rather sobering news. It turns out that someone in the cast (the girl lead actually) of the “Oklahoma” she was doing that came through san francisco, did not show up at a rehearsal for a current show last Friday and was found dead in her apartment the next day. She was 24ish. um. Yikes. Meningitis is a possible explanation right now. Yikes. These things give pause. They give perspective.
y) yet another must see picture:
z) i made it! Goodnight!