i think catch up is, um.... rather daunting at this point. so.....
back from hawaii. back to work. about to start rehearsals for a new show. the huge task that is 'catching back up with life post trips' seems rather insurmountable right now... especially since I can't seem to shake 'vacation mode' mind-set. I feel like there are SO many things to do and fix and clean and take care of and prepare for and finish and blah blah blah and as much as they all stress me out, I have an equally strong inclination to want to do nothing. heh. incompatible this is. :)
so I think I'll start from now and slowly work my way backwards as there are a lot (i think) of fairly cool (and not) things that have happened over the last month.
1) It's like 81 degrees here today. I got to bike downtown in my polka dot dress. so pleasing (not the going downtown part, but I do love dress-biking). :)
2) Work just got more bearable as they have opened a
Yogen Fruz here in Embarcadero 3. Not quite as good and fresh and healthy as the
Jubili right down the street from home, BUT - it does mean that I have access to healthy type tart-yogurty flavored frozen yogurt with fresh fruity toppings at work and at home and that totally rules. You should try both if you live here.
3) Tomorrow, Dave, Lisa (from BBI) and I are going to meet Josh and Becky Sladek-Nowlis and their 2 kids down in Monterey to do some diving. I am going to baby-sit the kids whilst the 4 adults do a dive and then Josh (who is a dive master) is going to give me a scuba skills refresher, cause, um, it's been awhile. Dave went once while we were in Hawaii and I considered going with him but I was having terrible ear problems while I was there. I would try to dive down while snorkeling and I couldn't go past about 6-8 feet down because my left ear would NOT pop. ouch. but they seem better now, so I'm hopeful for tomorrow. plus - I haven't had any weird water/ocean/deep dark pit/shark/whale dreams, so maybe some of my fears of monterey diving have subsided. (when dave and I were certified down there, we had about 5 foot visibility the first day and 2 foot visibility the second and I got all tangled up in kelp and attacked by a giant crab and all kinds of other stuff on top of the fact that I was freezing and suffocating in my 7mm wetsuit and hood.) *fingers crossed* wish me luck. :)
4) our poor little birdie Serafina Pekkala is sick again. she was shaking this morning and not flying and it looked like she was having difficulty breathing. :( off to the vet today. :(
5) Day job is kicking my ass. June is our year end, so this next week will be even more insane than this week has been. :( poo.
6) went to the circus center showcase last night with the AMD. no tissu act. the kids are amazing. and soooooooooooooooo freaking energetic. it's inspiring to see them... but, alas, the adult acts were not as strong as last year. ah well. still a whole lot of fun if any of you have time this weekend to check it out. :)
ok. that is a start.